Fingertip Pulse Oximeters

Products > Monitoring Systems > Fingertip Pulse Oximeters
  • Nonin’s proven PureSAT SpO2 technology

    For accuracy even low perfusion patients.

  • A wide range of digit thicknesses

    From 8 mm to 25.4 mm (0.3” to 1.0”). It is tested for use on any finger, the thumb and toes!

  • Clinician-facing, brilliant, easy-to-see LED

    SpO2 and pulse rate can be read from any angle, in all lighting conditions, day or night

Order # Color
NM-9590BBlue - Minimum Order of 12
NM-9590PPurple - Minimum Order of 12
NM-9590RRed - Minimum Order of 12
Provides accurate data for actionable decision making

The Onyx is the only finger pulse oximeter with scientifically proven accuracy and is tested for use on fingers, thumbs and toes.  When you purchase Nonin Medical’s Onyx Vantage 9590, every unit comes with the Onyx Advantage.

  • Accurate

    Scientifically proven accuracy in the widest range of patients

  • Reliable Results

    Accurate readings on your challenging cases due to low perfusion and darker skin tones. The Onyx Vantage 9590 has also been tested in motion.

  • Versatile

    One unit works on pediatric to larger adult patients, and can be used on fingers, thumbs or toes.

  • Cost Efficient

    Four-year warranty and up to 6,000 spot checks on two AAA batteries.

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Vital Care Products, Inc.
3046 Brecksville Road, Suite 2
Richfield, OH 44286

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