Ameritus® AccuTemp Probes and Probe Covers

AccuTemp Disposable Skin Temperature Probes

Ameritus AccuTemp disposable temperature probes and probe covers allow for the most accurate reading of the patient’s true skin temperature.

  • Compatibility

    Ameritus AccuTemp temperature probes are compatible with Air-Shields® and GE Healthcare/Ohmeda® incubators and warmers.

  • Single Patient Use

    designed for single patient use during the patient’s length of stay, decreasing the potential risk of cross-contamination and improving hospital cost recovery

  • Low profile sensor design

    allows probe to be held securely in place, optimizing heat conduction from the skin to the probe

PRODUCT # Description Quantity
210Disposable Skin Temperature Probe, Compatible with Air Shields C-100, C-200, C-450, C-550 Isolettes and PM-78 Series Warmer, IICS-90, Free Standing and Wall Mounted Birthing Room Warmers and Delivery Room Warmersd Birthing Room Warmers and Delivery Room Warmers10/Box
230Disposable Skin Temperature Probe, Compatible with GE/Healthcare/ Ohmeda® Care Plus® and Ohio® I.C. Incubators as well as Ohmeda Infant Warmer Systems 3000, 4000, and 5000 Series10/Box
232Disposable Skin Temperature Probe, Compatible with GE Healthcare Giraffe® Omnibed®10/Box
AccuTemp Insulated Acrylic Probe Covers-transparent

AccuTemp Insulated Acrylic Probe Covers

Ameritus AccuTemp and AccuTemp Plus probe covers feature highly reflective gold mylar and an added layer of foam insulation that serve as a superior barrier against both ambient and radiant heat

AccuTempPlus Insulated Hydrogel Probe Covers

AccuTemp Plus Insulated Hydrogel Probe Covers

AccuTemp Plus Insulated Hydrogel Covers provide a very gentle method of securing temperature probes to fragile skin. They may be easily and comfortably repositioned and reapplied to reduce product waste.

PRODUCT # Description Quantity
120AccuTemp Acrylic Disposable Temperature Probe Cover120/Box
120PAccuTemp Acrylic Disposble Temperature Probe Cover, Preemie120/Box
120SAccuTemp Acrylic Disposble Temperature Probe Cover, Small120/Box
175AccuTemp Plus Hydrogel Disposable Temperature Probe Cover75/Box
175-SAccuTemp Plus Hydrogel Disposable Temperature Probe Cover, Small75/Box

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Richfield, OH 44286

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